US Command - Enable Error Reporting
Description Use this command to enable the printer’s status
reporting feature.
Serial Port - If an error occurs, the printer
will send a NACK(0x15), followed by the er
ror number, to the computer. If no errors oc
cur, the printer will echo ACK(0x6) after each
P command.
If paper or ribbon empty occurs, the printer
will send, through the serial port, a”-07” and
“Pnnn” where nnn is the number of labels re
maining to print.
Parallel Port - If an error occurs, the printer
will print the error number and the printer’s
indicator(s) LED will indicate an error condi
tion. See the individual printer user’s manual
for details.
Syntax US[p
The printer’s default setting is off.
= 1 Optional Parameter
If no errors occur, the printer will echo
ACK(0x6) after each label that is successfully
980352-001 Rev.A