AUTOFR - Automatic Form Printing Feature
AUTOFR treats any incoming data as a variable in
tended for printing. This means if you send the
printer a memory partition command, the label will
print, if you send a delete command - the label will
print! So, while you are testing AUTOFR it is best to
use another name for the form. Once you are satis
fied with the form, rename it AUTOFR before you
download it. There is no need to specify a file exten
Isolating Data From
the Input Device
Place the printer in the diagnostic dump mode
and send from your data input device. All charac
ters the device sends will be printed on the label.
If nothing prints, nothing is arriving - check
pin-outs and serial settings.
Disabling AUTOFR Send a XOFF data character (13 hex. or ASCII
19) or a NUL (00 hex. or ASCII 0) to the printer.
The form may now be deleted from the printer.
Removing AUTOFR The programmer must send a Delete Form - FK
command to the printer after disabling
980352-001 Rev.A