TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
Panel Operations
■ Limiter (Speaker Processor)
This compresses signals exceeding the threshold at ∞:1, preventing signals higher than the threshold level from being output.
■ Output Router
Here you can specify the routing for the slot output. For each slot output channel, you can select from the following four types
of output points. For details on output points, refer to “SIGNAL PATH Block Diagrams” (page 30).
Parameter name Range Explanation
On ON/OFF Turns the limiter on/off.
Threshold -54–0 dB Specifies the threshold value for the limiter.
Attack Mode Fast, Mid, Slow, Manual Selects the attack speed of the limiter. If the Manual setting is selected,
use the Attack setting below to specify the attack time. If Fast/Mid/Slow
is selected, the attack time is specified roughly according to the HPF
cutoff frequency of Speaker Processor’s Crossover.
Fast : 1/4 wavelength of cutoff frequency
Mid : 1/2 wavelength of cutoff frequency
Slow : 1 wavelength of cutoff frequency
Attack 0.0–120.0 ms Specifies the attack time when Manual mode is selected.
Release Mode Fast, Mid, Slow, Manual Selects the release speed of the limiter. If the Manual setting is
selected, use the Release setting below to specify the release time. If
Fast/Mid/Slow is selected, the release time is specified roughly accord-
ing to the HPF cutoff frequency of Speaker Processor’s Crossover.
Fast : 4 wavelength of cutoff frequency
Mid : 8 wavelength of cutoff frequency
Slow : 16 wavelength of cutoff frequency
Release 3 ms–21.1 s Specifies the release time when Manual mode is selected.
MTXOut3/4 Outputs 3/4 of the 4x4 Matrix Mixer
OscMixIn1/2 From outputs 1/2 of the 4x4 Matrix Mixer to immediately before mixing with the oscillator output
SpProcOutA/B Outputs A/B of the Speaker Processor.
OSC1/2 Oscillator outputs 1/2