TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
Panel Operations
■ Oscillator Mix
This is a mono-channel oscillator. It generates a sine wave, pink noise, or burst noise. This can also mix the audio input signal
and oscillator signal.
■ X-Over Input Level (Speaker Processor)
This adjusts the input level to the crossover in a range of -∞ – +10 dB.
■ X-Over Polarity (Speaker Processor)
This specifies the phase reversal of the input signal to the crossover.
Parameter name Range Explanation
PGM To SP ON/OFF Switches on/off the input from the Input Delay to the mix point before
the Speaker Processor.
Osc To SP ON/OFF Switches on/off the input from the oscillator to the mix point before the
Speaker Processor.
Osc On ON/OFF Turns the oscillator on/off.
Osc Level -∞ –0.00 dB Specifies the output signal level.
Wave Form SINE100 Hz,
SINE1 kHz,
SINE10 kHz,
Selects the waveform that will be generated. If you select SINE (sine
wave), you can also select a frequency. If you want to freely specify the
frequency of a sine wave, select Vari.
Vari Freq 20.0 Hz–20.0 kHz If you selected Vari as the Wave Form, this specifies the frequency of
the sine wave that will be generated.