TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual
Panel Operations
■ X-Over (Speaker Processor)
Here you can apply a high-pass filter and low-pass filter to the signal, so that only a specific frequency region is allowed to pass.
Parameter name Range Explanation
LPF Freq 20.0 Hz–20 kHz Specifies the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
LPF Type Thru, 6 dB/Oct, 12 dB AdjGc,
12 dB But, 12 dB Bessl,
12 dB L-R, 18 dB AdjGc,
18 dB But, 18 dB Bessl,
24 dB AdjGc, 24 dB But,
24 dB Bessl, 24 dB L-R,
36 dB AdjGc, 36 dB But,
36 dB Bessl, 48 dB AdjGc,
48 dB But, 48 dB Bessl,
48 dB L-R
Selects the attenuation per octave and the filter type for the low-pass
filter. If you select [Thru], the filter will not be applied.
AdjGc : Adjustable Gain Control
But : Butterworth
Bessl : Bessel
L-R : Linkwitz Riley
LPF Gc -6–+6 dB Specifies the gain at the cutoff frequency when Type is set to AdjGc.
HPF Freq 20.0 Hz–20.0 kHz Specifies the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
HPF Type Thru, 6 dB/Oct, 12 dB AdjGc,
12 dB But, 12 dB Bessl,
12 dB L-R, 18 dB AdjGc,
18 dB But, 18 dB Bessl,
24 dB AdjGc, 24 dB But,
24 dB Bessl, 24 dB L-R,
36 dB AdjGc, 36 dB But,
36 dB Bessl, 48 dB AdjGc,
48 dB But, 48 dB Bessl,
48 dB L-R
Selects the attenuation per octave and the filter type for the high-pass
filter. If you select [Thru], the filter will not be applied.
HPF Gc -6–+6 dB Specifies the gain at the cutoff frequency when Type is set to AdjGc.