PDL principles and procedures
Using LCDS Print Description Language 1-57
4. Code the rest of your system level commands (those not
requiring identifiers), to specify your input processing
commands. (Refer to the “Specifying input parameters”
chapter for information on coding these commands.)
For each of these commands, tab or space over about 10
character spaces to enter the command keyword. Then tab
or space over until the cursor is about 20 spaces from the left
edge of your Text Editor workspace to begin entering the
parameter keywords.
Figure 1-15. Text Editor window with JSL
showing system level commands with identifiers
5. Code the IDEN command at the system level if you plan to
use dynamic job descriptor entries.
6. Identify any dynamic print requirements for DJDEs.
7. If you are using catalog level commands, code them next,
with their identifiers.