Using logical processing
Using LCDS Print Description Language 3-25
Default NONE
Specifies the total number of consecutive trailer banner pages
that must be detected to recognize the end of the report.
Syntax BANNER TCOUNT = value
Default 0
Defines the test expression for detection of a banner page for
either Change Mode or Constant Mode criteria.
Syntax BANNER TEST = testexp
Table 3-16. BANNER HRPTNA parameter options and definitions
Option Definition
offset Amount of space, specified in bytes (relative to zero), from the start of the user
portion of the record to the subfield within the record.
length The number of bytes in the subfield (1 to 16).
NONE Specifies that no report name is to be selected.
Table 3-17. BANNER TCOUNT parameter option and definition
Option Definition
value Specifies the total number of consecutive trailer pages that must be detected to
recognize the end of the report.