Local Operation
3-10 M370078-01
A blinking numeric value is either a voltage or current set point in tracking
mode. The display in which the set point appears, output voltage or output
current display, indicates the type of set point, voltage or current.
LE U Voltage APG Level
Loc Lock
LOCL Local
OCP Over Current Protection
O7P Over Temperature Protection
OUP Over Voltage Protection
OvPF Over Voltage Protection fine adjustment
On On
OUPC OVP Calibration
POL Polarity
Pr0 Protection mode
PSU Power Supply Unit
R IS Isolated Resistive Analog Programming
rCL Recall Preset
rE Remote Programming/Interface
rnIS Non-Isolated Resistive Analog Programming
SAUE Save Preset
Sd Shutdown
SLA Slave Remote Interface
U IS Isolated Analog Voltage Programming
UN IS Non-Isolated Analog Voltage Programming
USb USB Interface
UUP Under Voltage protection coarse adjustment
UvPF Under Voltage protection fine adjustment
UAPr Voltage Analog Programming
UOL Vo l t a g e
Table 3-2
Front Panel Display Text
Display Text Text Description