Error Messages
B-4 M370078-01
Execution Error List
An error in the range [-299, -200] indicates that an error has been detected
by the instrument’s execution control block. The occurrence of any error
in the class causes the execution error bit (bit 4) in the Event Status
Register to be set.
Execution errors are reported by the device after rounding and expression
evaluation operations have taken place.
Table B-2
Execution Error List
Error Code Error Message Description
-200 Execution Error
This is the generic syntax error for devices that cannot detect
more specific errors. This code indicates only that an Execution
Error as defined in IEEE 488.2, has occurred.
-203 Command protected
Indicates that a legal password-protected program command or
query could not be executed because the command was
disabled. Check the calibration state.
-220 Parameter error
Indicates that a program data element related error has occurred
-221 Setting conflict
Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed, but
could not be executed due to the current power supply state.
The following list is not exhaustive but does cover some of the
more common conditions that may contribute to this error:
• OVP/UVP Set Points —The OVP and UVP limit the setting
of the voltage set point so that you cannot accidentally
trigger these alarms by changing the set point outside of
their range. Conversely, setting the OVP set point to be less
than the voltage set point will also trigger this error.
• Changing the Set Point while in APG mode —The user will
be unable to change the set point while APG is being used
to control that parameter: voltage or current.
• Autosequence Programming —Various conflicts can occur
while using Autosequence programming; for example,
using the trigger command while the program is running
will result in this error.
• Calibration mode —When in calibration mode, certain
settings will cause an error.