SCPI Command Reference
A-8 M370078-01
SPCI Command Tree
The SCPI commands are organized into a tree structure. To illustrate the
tree structure, the following tree has been provided. Each level of
indentation presents a branch. The command to execute can then be found
by following the tree from the root or farthest left node all the way down
to the leaf node.
For example, to do the analog isolated programming command, start at
the [:]CALibration root node, go through the :OUTPut node and then
move down past the [:VOLTage] and :CURRent nodes which appear at
that level to the :ANALog node and then move through the optional
[:VOLTage] node to the :ISOLated node.
Thus, the command would then be
All commands can be formed by looking at this tree and taking the unique
path from the root node to the leaf node.
Table A-1 on page A–14 shows
all the commands fully formed with parameters.