Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
3.122 PWR
PWR Power
Use PWR to turn the projector power on or off, or to use special modes during a download, or to
see the current power state.
0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Boot mode (for downloading new code only) DO NOT USE
3 = No lamp (powered up, but lamp is off. For downloading only.)
11 = Warming up (read only)
PXP Pixel Phase
Use PXP to adjust the position of the sampling clock relative to the video data. Available range
depends on the incoming signal, with a higher frequency source having ½ the range of a lower
frequency source.
PXT Pixel Tracking
Use PXT to adjust the number of pixels/lines in the image. Range depends on the horizontal
sync frequency.
RBL Right Blanking
Use RBL to blank the right edge of the image (0-1000). The amount of blanking feasible depends
on the incoming source data.
RDB Red Blacklevel
RDD Red Drive
REM Remote Commands
port. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the RTE commands to allow a single event to
control other equipment connected to the projector.
and receiving arbitrary data from a port.
Conguring a Port
P1 = Port P2 = Port Conguration P3 = Baud Rate
1 = RS232 IN
2 = RS232 OUT
3 = RS422 (db9)
4 = RS422 (XLR – only some models)
5 = RS422 (XLR – only some models)
R = Remote equipment
C = Wolf Cinema
standard protocol
Same as for the BDR
command (i.e. 96, 1152
or 115200…)
(REM 2 c): Returns the OUT port to normal operation
3.123 PXP
Pixel Phase
3.124 PXT
Pixel Tracking
3.125 RBL
Right Blanking
3.126 RDB
Red Blacklevel
3.127 RDD
Red Drive
3.128 REM
Remote Commands