Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
(GIO?) //Requeststateandcongurationofallpins
(GIO!"HLLLLHL""IOOOOII") //Replyofpinstateandconguration
(GIO"HLLLLHL""IOOOOII") //SetPinstateandconguration.Theabovecommands
can be used to save and restore Preference information
(GIO C1 O) // Set Pin 1 as output
(GIO?C1) //GetCongurationforpin1
(GIO!C1O) //Replyforgetpinconguration
(GIO C2 “OOIO”) // Set pin 2=out, 3=out, 4=in, 5=out
(GIO1H) //Ifconguredasoutput,settohigh
input going high
(GIO1“HLLL”) //Assumingcongasoutputs1=high,2,3,4=low
(GIO 1 P 100) // Pulse pin 1 for 100mS
GNB Green Blacklevel
GND Green Drive
GOG Green Odd Gain
Set or request the green Odd Gain(0-255)foraspecicsourcesetup.YoucansetanOddGain
second input path is one of: Input 2 (DVI-A connector), or Input 5 or Input 6 (one of the analog
option cards).
To leave one of the input values unaffected, enter a value of 0 for the input. If only one value is
(GOG 130 135) Sets the BNC analog path to 130, the DVI/option card path to 135.
(GOG 0 120) Leaves the BNC path as it was, the DVI/option card path to 120.
(GOG 125) Sets both paths to 125.
GOO Green Odd Offset
Set or request the green Odd Offset(0-255)foraspecicsourcesetup.YoucansetanOdd
The second input path is one of: Input 2 (DVI-A connector), or Input 5 or Input 6 (one of the
analog option cards).
To leave one of the input values unaffected, enter a value of 0 for the input. If only one value is
3.59 GNB
Green Blacklevel
3.60 GND
Green Drive
3.61 GOG
Green Odd Gain
3.62 GOO
Green Odd Offset