Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
To “nudge” the image down a minimum distance, script in a delay between (LVO K3) and (LVO
MFT Menu Font
Use MFT to choose whether menu font size is normal (0) or large (1).
MLK Source Memory Lock
UseMLKto lock(1) orunlock (0)a specicsource setup.See also2.5,Accessing Specic
Source Setups.
MNU Menu Status
The MNU command has two uses. One is to get the current status of the menus and customize
When using serial commands to operate the menu, likely don’t want the menu to appear on the
screen. To prevent the menu from appearing on the screen while using serial commands, use the
OSD command. In addition, you may want to disable the keypads using the KEN command.
Some menus automatically change particular settings to make adjustments easier. Depending
on the context, you may also need to send:
ACE x to enable or disable Automatic Color Enables
MNU 3 x to enable or disable Automatic Test Pattern selection
Parameter Value Description
P1 0-3 0=presentation level
1=main menu
2=sub menu
3=enable or disable automatic test patterns
P2 When P1=2, #=0-9
When P1=3, #=0-1, to
enable or disable automatic
test patterns
#= the number of the submenu you wish to go to
#=0, restore normal operation
#=1, disable automatic test pattern
MNU can also be used to create a custom menu. For example, (MNU “My Menu” “BRT” “CON”
“PIP”), produces a custom menu called “My menu” consisting of the Brightness, Contrast, and
Picture in Picture Enable controls.
You can combine this with a RTE FUNC key event to make the custom menu available from a
keypad. For example, (RTE F 3 “(MNU “My Menu” “BRT” “CON” “PIP”)”), will pop up the custom
menu when the FUNC-3 key is pressed.
NOTE: this custom menu is not saved anywhere – as soon as you exit from it, the menu no
longer exists and when you want to display it again you must send the MNU command, with
all the controls, again. It is expected that this command will be used in conjunction with a RTE
FUNC key event to have the custom menu available from a keypad.
3.93 MFT
Menu Font
3.94 MLK
Source Memory Lock
3.95 MNU
Menu Status