Administration Guide 83
Using RSA SecurID for Authentication
Note: If you are configuring double-source authentication, click Two Source and then click Add. For
more information about configuring double-source authentication, see “Configuring Double-Source
Authentication” on page 85.
4In IP address type the IP address of the RADIUS IAS server.
5In Port, type the port number.
6In Server secret, type the node secret of the RADIUS IAS server.
7 Select Use the password one time and click Submit
Configuring NTLM Authentication and Authorization
You can configure the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway to use Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentica-
tion to authenticate users against the user database on a Windows NT 4.0 domain controller.
If a user is not located in the user database on the Windows NT 4.0 domain controllers, or fails authenti-
cation, the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway can check for the user name in the Local Users list on the Firebox
SSL VPN Gateway and authenticate the user against the local list if Use the local user database on the
Firebox SSL VPN Gateway check box is selected on the Settings tab.
A Windows NT 4.0 domain controller maintains domain user accounts in a database on the Windows NT
4.0 server. A domain user account includes a user name and password and other information about the
To configure NTLM authentication, you create an NTLM authentication realm
that includes the address
and port that the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway uses to connect to the Windows NT 4.0 domain controller. You
also specify a time-out value in which an authentication attempt to the server must complete.
When a user logs on to the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway, the user enters the user name and password main-
tained in the domain user account on the Windows NT 4.0 server.
The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway connects to the Windows NT 4.0 server and passes these credentials to
the server. The server authenticates the user.
To configure NTLM authentication
1Click the Authentication tab.
2Under Add an Authentication Realm, in Realm name, type a name for
the authentication realm.
If your site has multiple authentication realms, you might use a name that identifies the NTLM realm for which you
specify settings. Realm names are case-sensitive and can contain spaces.
Note: If you want the Default realm to use NTLM authentication, remove the Default realm as described
in “To remove and create a Default realm” on page 70.
3 Select One Source and click Add.
4In Select Authentication Type, in Authentication type, choose NTLM
authentication and click OK.
The Realm dialog box opens.
5Click the Authentication tab.
6In IP Address or FQDN, type the IP address of the Windows NT 4.0 domain controller.
7In Port, type the port number on which the Windows NT 4.0 domain
controller listens for the NTLM
authentication connection.
The default port entry for NTLM authentication connections is 139.