Online Help
6 Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
This forum has different categories that you can use to look for information. The Technical Support team
controls the forum during regular work hours. You do not get special help from Technical Support when
you use the forum. To contact Technical Support directly from the web, log in to your LiveSecurity
account. Click on the Incidents link to send a Technical Support incident.
Using the WatchGuard Users Forum
To use the WatchGuard Users Forum you must first create an account. Browse to http://www.watch-
guard.com/forum for instructions.
Online Help
Online Help for the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway is included in the application software. It is available in the
pane on the left side of your application window.
Product Documentation
We copy all user guides to the web site at http://www.watchguard.com/help/documentation.
Technical Support
Your LiveSecurity® Service subscription includes technical support for the WatchGuard® System Man-
ager software and Firebox® hardware. To learn more about WatchGuard Technical Support, browse to
the WatchGuard web site at:
You must activate LiveSecurity Service before you can get technical support.
LiveSecurity Service technical support
All new Firebox products include the WatchGuard LiveSecurity Technical Support Service. You can speak
with a member of the WatchGuard Technical Support team when you have a problem with the installa-
tion, management, or configuration of your Firebox.
WatchGuard LiveSecurity Technical Support operates from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM in your local
time zone, Monday through Friday.
Telephone number
877.232.3531 (select option #2) in United States and Canada
+1.206.613.0456 in all other countries
Web site