S-Register values
S2 AT escape character (user-defined)
This register determines the ASCII value used for an escape
sequence. The default is the + character. The escape sequence
allows the modem to exit data mode and enter command mode
when online. Values greater than 127 disable the escape sequence.
S3 Command line termination character (user-defined)
This register determines the ASCII values as the carriage return
character. This character is used to end command lines and result
S4 Response formatting character (user-defined)
This register determines the ASCII value used as the line feed
character. The modem uses a line feed character in command
mode when it responds to the computer.
S5 Command line editing character (user defined)
This register sets the character recognized as a backspace and
pertains to asynchronous transmission only. The modem will not
Range: 0-255
Default: 43
Units: ASCII
Range: 0-127, ASCII decimal
Default: 13 (carriage return)
Units: ASCII
Range: 0-127, ASCII decimal
Default: 10 (line feed)
Units: ASCII