AT Commands
AT command formats
+MS= <carrier>, <automode>, <0>, <max_rate>, <0>,
This command is used to set the various parameters described
Example: +MS=V90C,1,0,0,0,0
This sets the modulation to be V.90 and the speed negotiations
to use automode. This is the modem default.
Example: +MS=V90C,1,0,0,0,45333
This will limit the maximum receive connect carrier speed to
45,333 bps in V.90 mode.
This command returns the current +MS sub parameter settings.
This command returns a listing of all supported values for each
sub parameter. For the current modem driver, the response is the
<carrier> A modem connect protocol string, such as
V.90 or 56K
<automode> 0 Disables automatic modulation negotiation
1 Enables automatic modulation negotiation
<max_rate> The maximum transmit rate. If set to 0, then
the max rate will be determined by the
modulation means selected in the <carrier>
and <automode> settings.
<max_rx_rate> Sets the fastest receive carrier speed. If set to
0, then max rate will be determined by the
modulation means selected in the <carrier>
and <automode> settings.