User’s guide contents
This user’s guide is composed of six chapters, plus an
Introduction, two appendixes, a glossary, and an index.
❖ The Introduction describes the functions and capabilities of
the internal modem.
❖ Chapter 1, Setup, describes how to set up and configure the
internal modem and provides information on checking
modem functions.
❖ Chapter 2, Using the Internal Modem, describes basic
operations including connecting the modem and country
❖ Chapter 3, AT Commands, explains the meanings of the AT
commands that control your internal modem.
❖ Chapter 4, S-Registers, explains the meanings of the registers
that contain the settings for many of the internal modem
❖ Chapter 5, MNP and V.42, explains error correction, flow
control, and data compression.
V.29 7200, 9600 bps
V.27ter 2400, 4800 bps
V.21 ch2 300 bps
EIA-578 Class 1 command set for fax
Functions available in all operating systems (Continued)
Function Remarks
Note: bps stands for bits per second