- 30 -
6.6.13. nvoDrvEnergy (Cumulative Input Energy)
Output network variable,
SNVT type: SNVT_elec_kwh_l (146)
It provides the cumulative input energy calculated by the inverter.
- Valid range: 0.0kWh to 42949672.9kWh (If an overflow occurred, the value returns to 0.)
- Unit: 0.1kWh
*How to clear the value
This cumulative data value is cleared if the inverter power source is cycled with setting the parameter
f748 to 0. When clearing it without cycling the power source, use inverter parameter fa20.
Refer to section 7.5 ”Parameter access method” for detail.
6.6.14. nvoDigitalInput (All Digital Inputs Monitor)
Output network variable (Reserved)
SNVT_type: SNVT_state (83)
It provides all states of the inverter logic input terminals. Each bit is set to “1” when the terminal is
activated. Bit field is arranged as the table shown in below.
Bit LIU007Z LIU006Z
0 -------
1 -------
2 -------
3 -------
4 -------
5 -------
6 -------
7 -------
8 -------
9 -------
10 -------
11 -------
12 -------
13 -------
14 -------
15 -------
6.6.15. nvoDigitalIn1 to 8 (Digital Input Monitor)
Output network variable
SNVT type: SNVT_switch (95)
They provide the inverter logic input terminal state.
- Status
nvoDigitalIn1 to 8
value state
0% 0 Input OFF
100% 1 Input ON
Under Development