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5.2.3. nvoStatus (Object Status)
Output network variable, Node Object 0000_20 (Mandatory)
SNVT type: SNVT_obj_status (93)
This is the variable to inform the object status. L
ONWORKS option unit supports some status shown in the
table below.
Bit Request Description
--- object_id object_id of requested functional block
0 invalid_id Set to “1” if a request is received for a functional block index that is not
defined in the device. No further checking of the request code is
required when set to one.
1 invalid_request Set to “1” if an unsupported request code (RQ_xxx) is received on the
“nviRequest” input network variable.
2 disabled Under the disabled state,
- Output network variables belonging to the functional block are not
propagated to the network. However, it must be possible to poll
the output network variables of a functional block in this state.
- The functional block must not respond to any updates received on
its input network variables, but it must support reading and writing
of any configuration properties belonging to the functional block.
- If the functional block was already in the disabled state, a request
to disable the functional block is not an error.
- If the Node Object functional block is disabled, any other requests
for the Node Object functional block are not disabled.
- Status and alarm reporting via the “nvoStatus” outputs is not
disabled when the Node Object functional block is disabled.
17 in_alarm Set to “1” if the inverter fault occurred or Communication fault
between the L
ONWORKS option unit and the inverter occurred.
19 report_mask Set to “1” if an RQ_REPORT_MASK request is received by the
“nviRequest” input network variable.