To empty the Deleted folder automatically
1. Choose Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.
2. Click the Voice Messages tab.
3. Choose one of the following options:
n To delete all messages in the Deleted folder now, click Remove all
items now
. The messages are deleted when you click OK to close the
Options dialog box.
n To empty the Deleted folder automatically whenever you exit the
Client, check
Remove all items when exiting.
n To remove old items automatically from the Deleted folder, check
Periodically remove old items, and then enter the age in days at
which an item is automatically removed. For example, if you enter 3,
items are automatically removed after they have been in the Deleted
folder for three days.
4. Click OK.
Sharing views and folders_______________________________
You can share some Strata CS views and folders with other Strata CS users. Those
users can access the shared views or folders from their folder lists according to
access levels that you specify. You can grant individual users specific levels of
access to your shared views and folders.
Note: Voice messages marked Private do not appear in a shared folder.
Example: If you and two coworkers are working on the Gould project, you can
create a Contacts folder called “Gould” in which you keep important contacts at
the Gould office. You can share the Gould folder with your two coworkers, so that
all three of you have access to Gould contacts’ phone numbers.
You can share the following views, and any folders within them:
n The Call Monitor view
n The Voice Messages view
n The Contacts view