n Your extension is 177, and you give Mr. Jones a contact PIN of 55. Mr.
Jones calls your office, and when prompted to enter your extension, he
types in 17755. Strata CS is thus assured of identifying this call as coming
from Mr. Jones.
n If you have a car for sale, you could advertise it in the paper with your
extension plus a contact PIN (for example, “Call me at ext. 17756”). Set up
the contact as “Car buyer” with a PIN of 56. Now when anyone calls about
the ad, it appears as from “Car buyer” in your Call Monitor.
To enter a contact PIN
1. In the Contacts view, double-click the contact for whom you want to
create a contact PIN. The Contact dialog box opens.
2. Click the Caller Identification tab.
3. Under Contact PIN, enter the number that you intend to give to this
contact. If the contact PIN you entered conflicts with one already
created, Strata CS prompts you to enter a different number.
4. Click OK.
Note: You cannot enter a contact PIN for a public contact.
Using workgroups _____________________________________
A workgroup is a group of related extensions or contacts. Extensions in Strata CS
include users, IVR Plug-ins, auto attendants, or queues. With a workgroup you
n Send, reply, or forward a voice message to the workgroup. All users in the
workgroup receive the message at once
. See “Broadcasting voice mail” on
page 12-12.
n Create a call rule for the workgroup. Incoming calls from any member of the
workgroup are handled according to the call rule. For example, you can have
a custom voice-mail greeting that plays for all the members in your “VIP
group.” See Chapter 16 for more information.
n Share your voice mailbox or contacts with the workgroup. See “Sharing
views and folders” on page 7-19.
n Call the workgroup. The phones of all users in the workgroup ring
simultaneously, and the first user to answer is connected. See “Placing a
call” on page 11-2.
n View users by workgroup when transferring calls, which makes it easier
to pick the right recipient. Each workgroup appears as a tab in the Transfer
To dialog box. For example, you can define the members of your Sales