Glossary 183
with sales data collection.
Point Of Sale, the front end terminal where sales transactions are performed.
Save to the database only. Posting does not Deploy (send).
Any type of database where data is kept in tables, and linked with other tables
by a common key field or combination of key fields.
Associated with customer accounts, a table that contains information about credit limit.
Customers are then assigned a risk level that establishes their credit limit.
Standard Interchange Language. An extensive industry standard data dictionary and established
numbering system for data fields that relate to the retail business, used to transport information in a
common format. SIL files combine data and the SQL command necessary to export or import data.
Standard Query Language, an industry standard database language used to manipulate, extract
and store data in relational tables.
Any terminal or group of terminals that must be sent to, or received from. Including: portable
data terminals, back office stations, front end terminals. Targets have a specific naming convention,
terminal table programming help page
The actual job or process, usually associated with an event. Command files contain the specific
code for individual tasks.
Any system station, front or back end computer or other data device. Normally part of a
UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN, Code39:
Common types of industry standard bar codes used throughout the
Vendors or suppliers usually have a proprietary code they use to track items they
wholesale. Often used when ordering or returning items to vendors, linked to a cost.