Symphony Pro User Manual
and other design elements (objects) on a "template", making it simple to create visually attractive
reports. The Form Manager provides a complete set of tools to configure report and form templates as
well as item or shelf labels. The tools are designed to work with data fields, graphic elements (including
line and rectangle drawing tools), and formulas for report time calculations.
Symphony Pro Report Template Files
Each Symphony Pro report file (.sql) has an associated template file (.frp) that controls the report's on
screen and printed format, along with special formulas that allow data manipulation within the template.
The report template uses fields that are linked with the fields in the report's SQL file to report the SQL
Symphony POS Form Template Files
Front end Symphony POS terminals can also print reports by requesting information from the
Symphony Pro controller. Because the Symphony POS reports are often printed on the receipt printer,
they cannot use the same template as the Symphony Pro reports. Symphony POS templates are
called "Form" templates to help distinguish them from back office "report" templates.
The Form Manager is also used to create templates for item or shelf labels, allowing you to configure
the label page layout (columns and rows), label contents, such as bar code, description, price, and
other common label type information.
11.1 Template Editor
Form and Report Template Editor
Opening an Existing Template
The Form Manager can be launched as a "stand alone" application from the Symphony POS Windows
application menu. It is also possible to select a report file using the Report Selection tool, right clicking
it opens a menu. The "Property" option opens a panel that contains the report's configuration. The
name of the template file for the report is entered in the "Template File" properties field.
To the right of the Template's .frp file name, the
button opens the Form Manager's template