PCB Installation
RDSU – Digital/Standard Telephone Interface Unit
6-30 Strata CTX I&M 06/04
RDSU – Digital/Standard Telephone Interface Unit
Circuits per PCB:
(with RSTS) four standard telephone (circuits 1~4)/four digital telephone (circuits 5~8)
(without RSTS) two standard telephone circuits (1 and 2)/four digital telephone
Interfaces with:
digital circuits (see PDKU)
digital telephones
standard circuits
standard telephones
voice mail ports
off-premises stations
other similar devices
alternate BGM source
auto attendant digital announcer
message waiting lamp
Older Version(s):
An optional Standard Telephone Interface Subunit (RSTS) can be attached to the RDSU to provide
two more standard telephone ports (circuits 3 and 4).
RDSU and RSTS controls and interface connectors are shown in Figure 6-22. RDSU interface
connectors are described in Table 6-15.
Note For the system to recognize the DTMF tones generated by incoming DID lines a DTMF
Receiver Unit (RRCS -4, -8, or -12) must be installed on the processor PCB.
Installing R48S Ring Generator (Internal Option)
An optional R48S unit can be connected to the RDSU or RSTU to change the standard telephone
loop voltage from -24VDC to -48VDC, extending the standard telephone circuit loop length
(including the resistance of the phone) from 600 ohms to 1200 ohms. The features provided by the
R48S apply to the RSTS circuits as well as the basic RDSU standard telephone circuits.
³ To install the R48S on the RDSU
³ Mate the R48S connectors R6 and R7 with the RDSU connectors R6 and R7. RDSU
connectors P6 and P7 are positioned to allow installation of the R48S only in the proper
position (Figure 6-5).
Installing RSTS (Internal Option)
³ Mate the RSTS connectors P2~P5 with the RDSU connectors P2~P5. RDSU connectors
P2~P5 are positioned to allow installation of the RSTS only in the proper position (Figure
RDSU Installation
1. Ensure the SSTU subunit and optional subassemblies are securely attached to the RDSU
(Figure 6-22).
2. Insert the RDSU into the appropriate slot, and apply firm, even pressure to ensure proper
mating of connectors.
WARNING! The protective shield on the back of the RDSU is designed to protect the
installer from potentially hazardous ring voltage. Do not remove this shield.