10.7.2 Drive Configuration Parameter Write Selection
Figure 27 shows the check box
selection that determines whether
drive configuration parameters
(registers 1..1000) will be written
only to the drive’s RAM, or to both
the drive’s RAM and EEPROM
when they are changed via the
interface card.
If written to RAM only, then parameter value changes will be lost when the drive
is power cycled or otherwise reset. If written to both RAM and EEPROM, then
parameter value changes will be retained. When enabling writes to EEPROM,
be sure to always observe Toshiba’s restrictions on the number of times a
configuration parameter may be written to EEPROM before possible EEPROM
damage occurs.
This selection affects all configuration parameters, and applies regardless of
the interface card mechanism used to modify the parameters (control protocol
data write, modification via the web page “monitor” tab, timeout configuration
setting etc.)
Note that ASD Interface CPU firmware version V1.100 or later is required for
this feature to be supported (refer to Figure 10 on page 26 for how to determine
the ASD interface CPU version.)
10.7.3 Authentication Configuration
Figure 28 shows the entry boxes
used to modify the authentication
credentials. The case-sensitive
username and password can
contain letters (“a”..”z” and “A”..”Z”)
and numbers (“0”..”9”), and can
each be up to 80 characters in
Be sure to make a note of the new
settings whenever these credentials
are changed, as they must be entered whenever the web page is accessed, an
FTP session is initiated, or when a configuration change is performed via the
Finder utility. Contact ICC for assistance if you have forgotten your customized
Figure 27: RAM Only or RAM/EEPROM
Write Selection
Figure 28: Authentication