AI6 ........Similar to AI5, this object indicates the signal level currently being
applied to the ASD's VI/II analog input terminal. ASD parameter
AI7 ........Similar to AI5, this object indicates the signal level currently being
applied to the ASD's RX analog input terminal. ASD parameter FE37.
AI8 ........Indicates the present fault code. Under normal operation (no faults),
this value will be 0. ASD parameter FC90.
Analog Output Objects
AO1 ......Sets the drive's frequency command in 0.01Hz units (e.g. 4000 =
40.00Hz). Note that the drive will only use this value as its active
frequency command if the Frequency Mode parameter is set to
“Communication Option Input Enabled ", or if the "frequency override"
bit (BO6) is ON. Although the adjustment range for this object is 0-
40000 (0.00Hz-400.00Hz), the actual frequency command will be
internally limited by the Upper Limit Frequency and Lower Limit
Frequency parameters. ASD parameter FA07.
AO2 ......Adjusts the FM analog output voltage if the “FM terminal meter
selection” parameter is set to a value of 31 (communication data
output). Range is 0-2047 = 0-100%. ASD parameter FA51.
AO3 ......Adjusts the AM analog output voltage if the “AM terminal meter
selection” parameter is set to a value of 31 (communication data
output). Range is 0-2047 = 0-100%. ASD parameter FA52.