8. Using the ICC Finder Utility
The “ICC Finder” utility is a simple Windows PC program (just a single .exe file,
no installations, DLL’s etc.), which when executed discovers all ICC
communication interfaces on the current Ethernet subnet, regardless of
whether or not their network parameters are currently compatible with the
subnet upon which they reside. Refer to Figure 5 on page 19.
In order for the Finder application to discover devices, certain UDP Ethernet
traffic must be allowed in and out of the computer, and firewall applications
(such as Windows Firewall) are often configured to block such traffic by default.
If the Finder is unable to discover any devices on the current subnet, be sure to
check the computer’s firewall settings during troubleshooting, and add an
exception to the firewall configuration if necessary.
All discovered devices can be organized in ascending or descending order by
clicking on the desired sort header (IP Address, MAC Address, Application
Firmware or Product). The buttons on the left side of the window perform the
following actions:
Open Web Interface
: Opens a web browser page of the selected device.
Refer to section 9.
Open FTP Interface
: Opens the computer’s default FTP application, which
could be either Windows Explorer, a web browser, or a 3
-party FTP program
(whatever the computer/operating system is configured for by default). This
allows you to interact directly with the unit’s on-board flash filesystem, enabling
you to drag and drop files to/from the unit and upload new firmware. Refer to
section 11.
Configure IP Settings
: Allows configuration of whether the device will use
static IP parameters or will obtain its IP parameters via DHCP. Refer to section
7 for more information.
Device Info
: Opens a dialog box containing relevant device information.
Reboot Device: Opens a dialog box which prompts for a password to reboot
the interface. Enter the case-sensitive system password (default is “icc”), then
click Reboot. The reboot cycle has completed when the displayed status
changes from “Rebooting” to “Ready” (note that this may require 30s or more to
complete.) Clicking Close will then close the dialog box and cause the
discovery utility to automatically rescan the network.
Refresh List
: Causes the discovery utility to rescan the network.
: Closes the discovery utility.