
Chapter 3 - Design of Party-Line Intercom Systems 43
8 Extending the range and using “local powering” may reduce a two-channel system to
one channel at the remote station.
9 Crosstalk in a two channel system such as the RTS TW system can be reduced by
“home running” the cables to a central point where the splitters and power supply are.
10Crosstalk can also occur across the ground connection, especially where long cables
have built up the ground resistance.
11System currents are defined by the type of user station, its current drain, and the number
of stations on a power supply feed.
12If the system is operated too close to its maximum current, it may have trouble starting
due to the “foldback” current limiting in a power supply. The work around for this is to
break the system into several subsystems, then power up each subsystem in sequence.
13Temperature Range Consideration: Condensation due to low temperatures may cause
noise in a system.
14The power supplies are generally very rugged and withstand a wide range of
temperatures. But it is still important to take precautions to prevent overheating of the
power supplies.
15The dynamic microphone in a headset can pick up stray magnetic fields and introduce
unwanted hum and noise into a system. Don’t place the headset on or near other
equipment that has strong magnetic fields.
16If equipment gets contaminated with a spilled drink, mud or snow, it may require
cleaning with distilled water and gentle drying.