
Digital Buses In the microprocessor units, addresses and data are moved on digital data buses.
These buses vary in width from three to 16 bits. Some buses are bi-directional and the logic
transmitting and receiving data on these buses is usually of the “three state” variety. Data is
multiplexed on these buses using time division or separation.
Sound Pressure
The Characteristic Sound Pressure Level of a headphone is the sound pressure level that an
electrical output of 1 milliwatt generates.
1. A complete path for electrical power or an electrical signal (usually two conductors). 2. In a
system, a channel for one or two way conversation may be called a circuit.
A headset where the earpieces surround the ear usually providing some isolation of outside noises
from the ear.
A type of distortion resulting from overdriving an amplifier.
Found in a pressure gradient microphone, this effect causes strong low frequency pickup at near
Coil Effect
The inductance exhibited by a spiral-wrap shield at audio frequencies.
n between Ports
or P-P)
The audio signal from any input port can be routed to any output port. For example: during
keypanel setup, you assign keypanel keys so that keypanel operators can talk and listen to other
intercom ports. Communication of this type is called point-to-point communication. You can also
route signals between intercom ports without keypanels. One way to do this is to force crosspoints
in the Crosspoint Status screen of AZ™EDIT. Another way to do it is with a GPI input.
Headset wearing comfort is affected by weight and the force of the earpieces on the head. This
“compression force” is measured in newtons, N. One newton is about the weight exhibited by a
mass of 100 grams.
A microphone using a capacitor as the sound pressure sensing element. Condenser microphones
require a polarizing voltage. Condenser microphones outputs are high impedance and need to be
buffered by an active device. The active device(s) needs power, so various phantom and A-B
powering schemes are used to buffer the active device(s).
The ease by which a material will support an electrical current. Mathematically the reciprocal of
A material that will support an electrical current.
Conference Line
Systems, Party-
Line (PL)
A conference system allows a group of people to intercommunicate. For example, one person can
talk and all the others on the bus or channel can hear. When the system is full duplex, anyone can
talk and the rest can hear or interrupt the speaker at any time. The conference and distributed
matrix systems presently sold by RTS™ Systems are full duplex and are non-blocking, which
means that access to the channel is immediate and there is no busy signal. Conversations on
conference systems are in general, non-private. A conference system can be two-wire or four-
wire. RTS™ Systems sells both two- and four- wire conference systems. The two-wire
conference system (RTS™ Systems “TW” system) is simple, economical, and very convenient to
use. The four-wire conference system performs as well as the two-wire system, is easier to
interface to other systems, but requires more equipment and is more costly. Conference systems
can be distributed or centralized. Most of the systems that RTS™ Systems makes are distributed
conference systems. Distributed means that a station can be plugged-in at any arbitrary point
along the bus or channel. Centralized means that all stations are tied to a central point where the
conferencing function is actually accomplished. Note: Sometimes the conference intercom
system is called an interphone or headphone / headset system.
Control Room
A room, usually adjacent to a studio, where the production is controlled by the producer, director,
technical director, (and sometimes the audio mixer, lighting director, assistant director,
production assistant, and Chyron operator). In remote pickups the control room is in the mobile
unit, which may be several kilometers from the televised action.
Coupling with
the Ear
Basically differentiation between ear-pieces that are worn on the auricle (supra aural headsets),
and those that envelop the auricle (circumaural headsets).
Cycles Per Second. Obsolete designation replaced by Hertz (Hz).
The term “Crosspoint,” like the term “Matrix” is inherited from intercom systems, such as the
RTS™ CS9500, CS9600, and CS9700, that use a switching matrix to route intercom audio. In