
128 Handbook of Intercom Systems Engineering
Keypanels in RTS
matrix systems do not store configurations. Therefore, if a panel
needs to be replaced at any location, the new panel will assume the identity of the old one.
On the matrix, there are diagnostic LEDs on the hardware that show if there is a problem
or fault.
Getting back to reality, budget is always the determining factor whether you will purchase
a two-wire, four-wire, or some combination of both. Generally, if your budget is limited,
you can start with a small two-wire system with idea of making this system the back end of
a future matrix system. Tailoring a purchase in this way takes a bit of doing, because of the
increased level of planning that must be done. Telex Communications, Inc will work with
you to help you in this early stage of equipment specification. Whatever your decision,
you will have a new system that works flawlessly and becomes an invisible part of your
work life.