Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356W
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Spare Parts ListSpare Parts List
Spare Parts ListSpare Parts List
Spare Parts List
1 B1473 Lead electrode
1 C1372 Cell assembly
Specify cell class and range of analyzer when ordering.Specify cell class and range of analyzer when ordering.
Specify cell class and range of analyzer when ordering.Specify cell class and range of analyzer when ordering.
Specify cell class and range of analyzer when ordering.
2 O5 O-ring, cell terminal
1 O25 O-ring, cell seal
1 O26 O-ring, calibrator cover plate
2 O9 O-ring, humidifier column
2 O8 O-ring, reservoir cap
2 O204 O-ring, flowmeter
1 A33748 Thermistor assembly
1 A3042 Humidifier column assembly
1 R2454 Humidifier column heater (110V)
1* R2453 Humidifier column heater (220V)
1 A5267 Reservoir cap
5 F10 Fuse, 3AG-2A
5 F6 Fuse, 3AG-1/4A, Slo-Blo
2 H2 Heater
1 B6274 Flowmeter asm. (specify background gas)
1 B30868 PC Board, Proportional temp. control
(For applications 10 PPM or higher)
1* B36026 PC Board, Proportional temp. control (220V)
1 C14449 PC Board, Proportional temp. control
(For applications less than 10 PPM)
1* C41274 PC Board, Proportional temp. control (220V)
1* B29600 PC Board, E/I converter, isolated (O option)
1* A9309 PC Board, Alarm comparator, dual (-2 opt.)
* optional
A minimum charge is applicable to spare parts orders.
IMPORTANT: Orders for replacement parts should include the model num-IMPORTANT: Orders for replacement parts should include the model num-
IMPORTANT: Orders for replacement parts should include the model num-IMPORTANT: Orders for replacement parts should include the model num-
IMPORTANT: Orders for replacement parts should include the model num-
ber, serial number, and range of the analyzer for which theber, serial number, and range of the analyzer for which the
ber, serial number, and range of the analyzer for which theber, serial number, and range of the analyzer for which the
ber, serial number, and range of the analyzer for which the
parts are intended.parts are intended.
parts are intended.parts are intended.
parts are intended.