2 Operational Theory2 Operational Theory
2 Operational Theory2 Operational Theory
2 Operational Theory
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356W
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
voir. This places a back pressure on the sample in the cell and upper portion
of the humidifier column equal to the water column from the bottom of the
reservoir to the water level in the reservoir. Thus, the water level in the
humidifier column is held even with the sample connection at the bottom of
the reservoir. There will be a slight additional pressure in the top of the
humidifier column depending on the flow rate (the pressure needed to push
the sample through the cell and associated tubing), but at normal flow rates
this merely slightly lowers the level in the humidifier column.
The sample bubbles through the water in the reservoir on its way to the
outlet port. Some of the water vapor will re-condense, so that the sample
flows out of the outlet port saturated at the reservoir temperature, which is
slightly above ambient. The sample bubbling through the make-up water
will scrub out any oxygen which may be dissolved in it. This assures that the
sample will not pick up any oxygen as it passes through the humidifier