4 Operations4 Operations
4 Operations4 Operations
4 Operations
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356WModel 356W
Model 356W
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
To calibrate the analyzer:
1. Shut the sample gas off, disconnect the sample in line and
connect the the span gas to the sample inlet. Allow the span gas
to flow through the system. Adjust the span gas flow rate until
the flowmeter float is centered in the flowmeter reference
indicator. Note the reading of the external recorder or meter.
2. Turn the range selector switch to the range which encompases
the oxygen concentration of the span gas. The meter or recorder
should move upscale and indicate the exact concentration of
oxygen in the span gas.
3. If the external recorder/meter does not indicate the proper
amount of oxygen, adjust the span dial until it does.
4. After the recorder or meter has stabilized on the proper readout,
turn off the span gas flow, disconnect the span gas, reconnect
the sample gas and establish the proper flow.