Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
Table 7-2: RS-232 Message Types
Character Message Type
W Warning
C Control/status
D Diagnostic
T Test measurement
V Variable value
? HELP screen
The "DDD:HH:MM" is a time-stamp indicating the day-of-year ("DDD") as a number from 1 to
366, the hour of the day ("HH") as a number from 00 to 23, and the minute ("MM") as a number
from 00 to 59.
The "IIII" is a 4-digit analyzer I.D. number.
The "MESSAGE" field contains variable information such as warning messages, test
measurements, DAS reports, etc.
The "<CRLF>" is a carriage return-line feed combination which terminates the message and also
makes the messages appear neatly on a printer.
Input messages to the Model 300M have a format which is similar to that for output messages:
The "X" indicates the message type as shown above in Table 7-2 and "COMMAND" is the
command type, each of which is described individually below.
The "<CRLF>" is used to terminate the command. Typing "<CRLF>" a few times by itself is a
good way to clear the input buffer of any extraneous characters.
7.1 DAS Reporting
Data from individual Data Channels in the DAS system can be retrieved through the RS-232
interface. The command format for printing the data for a Data Channel is shown below:
parameters in [ ] are optional
id is the analyzers ID number (SETUP-MORE-COMM-ID)