Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
Table 2-3: Test Measurements
Test Message Meaning
TIME=xx:xx:xx Current time-of-day (HH:MM:SS)
RANGE=xxxx PPM Analog output full-scale range
STABIL=x.xxx PPM Standard Deviation of CO readings
CO MEAS=xxxxx MV Current V/F measure channel (mV)
CO REF=xxxxx MV Current V/F reference channel (mV)
MR RATIO=X.XXX Ratio of the Reference and Measure values
AZERO OFFS=x.xxxxx Autozero offset
PRES=xxx IN-HG-A Absolute sample pressure – inches Hg
VAC = xxx IN-HG-A Absolute vacuum pressure – inches Hg
SAMPLE FL=xxx CC/M Sample flow through analyzer (cc/min)
SAMPLE TEMP=xxx C Temperature in the absorption cell
BENCH TEP=xxx C Optical Bench Temperature
WHEEL TEP=xxx C Filter Wheel Temperature
BOX TEMP=xxx C Internal box temperature (degrees C)
DCPS=xxxxxx MV DC power supply (mV)
SLOPE=x.xxx Internal formula - Slope
OFFSET=xx.x MV Internal formula - Offset