Teledyne API Model 300M CO Analyzer Instruction Manual, 04033, Rev. A
3.1.3 Dual Range Calibration
If the analyzer is being operated in Dual Range mode or Auto-Ranging mode, then the High and
Low ranges must be independently calibrated. When the analyzer is in Dual or Auto Range mode
you will be prompted to enter the range to calibrate whenever you enter a calibration command
from the front panel. Press HIGH or LOW followed by ENTR button to proceed with the
calibration. To calibrate the other range you must exit to the sample menu and restart the
calibration. See Section 4.6 for more information on the Range Modes. The following procedure
shows an example of how to calibrate the two ranges with calibration gas coming in through the
sample port:
Step Action Comment
Press CAL
Analyzer enters M-P calibration mode. Calibration gas
source should be set to deliver zero gas to the sample
2. Press LOW-ENTR Select range to calibrate.
3. Wait 15 min. Wait for CO reading to stabilize at zero value.
4. Press ZERO-ENTR Changes calibration equations for Low range so
analyzer will read zero.
Press CONC
Enter span gas concentration for Low range.
6. Key in span concentration Enter span gas concentration for Low Range. Set
calibration gas source to deliver span concentration.
Press ENTR
8. Wait 15 min. Wait for CO reading to stabilize at span value.
9. Press SPAN-ENTR Changes calibration equations for Low range so
analyzer will read span value.
Press EXIT
Exits back to sample menu.
Repeat steps 1-10 for High range.