13 ST_FLOW_ALARM YES Status Bit - Flow alarm
Logic High = Sample flow out of spec
Logic Low = Flows within spec
14 ST_TEMP_ALARM YES Status Bit - Temperature alarm
Logic High = One or more temps out
of spec
Logic Low = Temps within spec
15 ST_DIAG_MODE YES Status Bit - In Diagnostic mode
Logic High = M100A in Diagnostic
Logic Low = Not in Diag mode
16 ST_POWER_OK YES Status Bit - Power OK
Logic High = Instrument power is on
Logic Low = Instrument power is off
17 ST_PRESS_ALARM YES Status Bit - Flow alarm
Logic High = Sample pressure out of
Logic Low = pressure within spec
18 ST_HIGH_RANGE YES Status Bit - Autorange High Range
Logic High = M300 in high range
Logic Low = M300 in low range
19 ST_SYSTEM_OK YES Status Bit - System OK
Logic High = No instrument warning
Logic Low = 1 or more alarm present
20 ST_BENCH_ALARM YES Status Bit - Bench Temperature Alarm
Logic High = Bench Temp out of spec
Logic Low = Bench Temp in spec
21 ST_SOURCE_ALARM YES Status Bit - IR Source Alarm
Logic High = IR Source output too
Logic Low = IR Source output
22 ST_WHEEL_ALARM YES Status Bit - Wheel Temperature Alarm
Logic High = Wheel Temp out of spec
Logic Low = Wheel Temp in spec
23 CO_MEASURE NO IR detector reading during measure
phase. Typically 2500-4500 mV
24 CO_REFERENCE NO IR detector reading during reference
phase. Typically 2500-4500 mV
25 SAMPLE_PRES NO Sample pressure in mV. Typical sea
level value = 4300mV for 29.9" HG-
26 SAMPLE_FLOW NO Sample flow in mV.
27 SAMPLE_TEMP NO Sample temp in mV
P/N 02163G1 Teledyne API Model 300 CO Analyzer Instruction Manual - Page 56