
1.4 Specifications
Ranges User selectable to any full-scale range from 1 ppm
to 1,000 ppm
Zero Noise < 0.025 ppm (rms)
Span Noise < 0.5% of reading (rms)
Lower Detectable Limit < 0.050 ppm
Zero Drift (24 hours) * <0.1 ppm
Zero Drift (7 days) * <0.2 ppm
Span Drift (7 days) * 1% of reading
Linearity 1% FS
Precision 0.5% of reading
Lag Time 10 sec
Rise/Fall Time (95%) <60 sec
Sample Flow Rate
800cc/min. ± 10%
Temperature Range
Humidity Range 0-95% RH, non-condensing
Temp Coefficient
< 0.05 % per °C
Voltage Coefficient < 0.05 % per V
Dimensions HxWxD 7"x 17"x 25"
(178mm x 432mm x 660mm)
Weight 50 lbs (22.7 kg)
Power 110V~/60Hz, 220V~/50Hz., 240V~/50Hz. 250 Watts
Power, CE 230V~/50Hz, 2.5 A
Environmental Conditions Installation Category (Overvoltage Category) II
Pollution Degree 2
Recorder Outputs
± 100 mV, ± 1 V, ± 5 V, ±10 V (Bi-Polar)
Status 12 status outputs from opto-isolators
* at constant temperature and voltage
P/N 02163G1 Teledyne API Model 300 CO Analyzer Instruction Manual - Page 4