The TEST button is used to scroll through the test measurements until the one of interest
is displayed. To turn the test on press the OFF/ON button. Viewing test measurements
in the diagnostic mode is especially useful for viewing the results of a diagnostic test.
The PREV button goes to the previous diagnostic test. When pressed, the CPU turns the
current diagnostic test OFF if it is ON. The NEXT button goes to the next diagnostic test.
When pressed, the CPU turns the current diagnostic test OFF if it is ON. The EXIT
button exits the diagnostic mode and turns all the diagnostic tests OFF. This ensures that
a diagnostic test is not accidentally left ON. A message is also sent to the RS-232
channel to indicate that the diagnostic mode has been exited.
Test # Name Signal Nominal Value
1 NONE No output 0 mV
2 CO MEASURE CO detector measure value 4500 mV
3 CO REFERENCE CO detector reference
4200 mV
4 SAMP PRESS Sample pressure 125 mV
5 SAMP FLOW Sample flow 3000 mV
6 SAMP TEMP Sample temperature 3000 mV
7 BENCH TEMP Optical bench temperature 3900 mV
8 WHEEL TEMP Outputs filter wheel temp. 3900 mV
9 CHASSIS TEMP Outputs Chassis temp 2740 mV
10 DCPS VOLT Outputs DC power 2500 mV
11 DAS AVERAGE Current DAS average Any
5.2.1 Signal I/O
The signal I/O diagnostic mode gives the user access to the digital and analog inputs and
outputs on the V/F board. The digital outputs can be controlled through the keyboard.
Any signals manually changed through the signal I/O menu will remain in effect until
you leave the signal I/O menu. At that time the analyzer will regain control of these
signals. To enter the signal I/O test mode, press SETUP-MORE-DIAG-ENTR. When
the diagnostic mode is entered, a message is sent to the RS-232 channel indicating entry
into the diagnostic mode. Use the PREV and NEXT buttons to scroll through the signals.
Edit buttons will appear for the signals that can be controlled by the user. Press JUMP to
skip to a specific I/O Signal.
Table 5.2 below lists the I/O signals available for the M300:
P/N 02163G1 Teledyne API Model 300 CO Analyzer Instruction Manual - Page 54