8.2. Elec tri cal con nec ti on
The reg u la tions of the lo cal Elec tric ity Board must be ob served.
Be fore con nec tion to the elec tric ity sup ply, it should be en sured that the sup -
ply volt age and the power fre quency are in ac cor dance with the data on the
name plate of the ma chine.
The elec tri cal con nec tion may only be car ried out by Ster ling ser vice staff or
trained per son nel au tho rized by Ster ling.
It is not per mit ted for other per sons to un der take the elec tri cal con nec tion.
All work is to be car ried out with the equip ment dis con nected from elec tric
power and com pressed air sup ply.
The main switch must be freely ac ces si ble.
Ground the equip ment against elec tro static charg ing.
If the so le noid valve is ten sion free the push-pis ton is ex tended and the vir gin
ma te rial in take port opened.
8.2.1. Ster ling Sing le Con vey or Unit with 110 V-Out put Port
The po wer con sump ti on amounts to ap prox. 15 watt.
The ope ra ting vol ta ge amounts to ap prox. 110 V/60 Hz.
Spe ci al vol ta ges upon re quest.
In stall the ca ble (2 x 0.75 mm², 30 cm long) from the so le noid val ve of the pneu ma tic cy lin der in the
con trol sys tem (plea se fol low the con nec ti on dia gram).
In stall the ca ble (3 x 0.75 mm², 1.8 m long) from the con trol sys tem of the SKW-E in the con trol
sys tem of the sing le con vey or unit (plea se fol low the con nec ti on dia gram).
Or, if it is not long enough, in stall and mount a ca ble (at least 3 x 1 mm²) from the sing le con vey or
unit to the SKW-E (plea se fol low the con nec ti on dia gram).
Fol low the ope ra ting ma nu al of the sing le con vey or unit.
In stal la ti on in struc tions 8-3