
3. Start-up
Ver si on: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02
This chap ter is in ten ded for ope ra ting per son nel.
Pre re qui si te for this chap ter is ge ne ral knowled ge of the ope ra ti on of con vey -
ing units.
Also pre re qui si te for this chap ter is that the functio nal des crip ti on has been
read and un ders tood.
En su re in each case that the ope ra ting per son nel are suf fi cient ly in form ed.
The unit may only be ope ra ted with moun ted con vey ing li nes.
Check the com pres sed air supp ly (max. 6 bar sys tem over pres su re).
Check the con nec tions of the con vey ing li nes.
Check the suc ti on pipe ad just ment.
The unit may only be ope ra ted in con juncti on with a con vey ing unit / con -
vey ing sys tem.
Start-up 3-1