
3.3. Set ting the swit ching cy cles
Ver si on 1
Press the per cen ta ge key.
By me ans of the ar row key, set the de ter min ed swit ching cy cle.
Check the re sult.
If the re sult is not sa tis fac to ry, cor rect the set ting.
If the re are too many swit ching cy cles, pro per con vey ing is not pos si ble.
Ver si on 2 (op tio nal)
Set the de ter min ed va lue by me ans of the con trol sys tem of the con vey ing con trol.
Ob ser ve the ope ra ting ma nu al of the con vey ing con trol.
Check the re sult.
If the re sult is not sa tis fac to ry, cor rect the set ting.
Start-up 3-5