MD Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
Convenience and Safety Options
Mechanical Access Platform:
10.2 Add the following paragraph in
the Access section: There shall be
a mechanical access platform at the
mechanical access door allowing
access to the mechanical system, drift
eliminators, distribution system and fill.
The platform shall be galvanized steel
bar grating, supported by galvanized
steel framework attached to the tower.
The platform shall be surrounded by
a guardrail, kneerail, and toeboard
designed according to meet local
safety requirements. A ladder shall be
permanently attached to the platform
and to the casing of the tower, rising
from the base of the tower to the top
of the handrail.
Ladder Extension:
10.2 Add the following to the end of para-
graph 10.2: Provide a ladder extension
for connection to the foot of the ladder.
This extension shall be long enough to
base of the cooling tower. The install-
ing contractor shall be responsible for
cutting the ladder to length; attaching it
to the foot of the cooling tower ladder;
and anchoring it at its base.
Ladder Safety Cage:
10.3 Add the following paragraph in the
Access section: A welded aluminum
safety cage shall surround the ladder,
extending from a point approximately
2m above the foot of the ladder to the
top of the handrail.
■ Periodic inspection and maintenance of a cooling tower distribution sys-
tem is fundamental to preserving maximum cooling system efficiency.
All cooling towers—crossflow or counterflow—are subject to clogging
to varying degrees by waterborne contaminants such as pipe scale and
sediment. Therefore, safe and easy access to these components is of
significant value to the operator.
Access can be provided in a number of ways, including portable lad-
ders or scaffolding, but for maximum safety and convenience, a field
installed Marley access platform with guardrails is available to make
this task as safe and user-friendly as possible. Further, its location on
the side of the tower does not add to the height of the unit, preserving
architectural integrity. It also saves the owner time and money, in that
maintenance personnel may devote their time to inspection rather than
searching for ladders or erection of portable scaffolding.
■ Many cooling towers are installed such that the base of the unit is 60cm
or more above the roof or grade level. This makes it difficult to get up
to the foot of the attached ladder. The ladder extension alleviates this
problem. Marley ladder extensions are available in standard 1.5m and
3.5 lengths.