
4.28 B400 Functional Description
MMeetteerr SSeelleeccttoorr PPaanneell
This panel allows you to monitor a variety of console signals. The meters which
would be used in conjunction with this panel may be chosen from a range of
Soundcraft meter panels which are available from your dealer. It is suggested that
a suitable choice would be a L/R pair + phase correlator.
There are six sources for monitoring:
STEREO monitors the Stereo output of the Stereo Master module, MONO moni-
tors the Mono outputs from the Stereo Master module, EXTERNAL monitors any
signal placed on the external Input L and R XLRs on the meterbridge rear connec-
tor panel, MONITOR monitors the Monitor Moduleî‚’s output (to output speak-
ers), and STUDIO monitors the Studio Speakers.
If the CUE OVERRIDE switch is depressed, any Overpress or Cue generated from
the console will replace the selected meter source. The green CUE WARNING
lamp will also light whenever a Cue or Overpress signal is present.
The M/S switch encodes an incoming Stereo L/R signal pair into M/S for display on
the meters. The +20dB switch works in conjunction with the M/S switch: it
boosts the S signal by 20dB.