
4.2 B400 Functional Description
MMoonnoo IInnppuutt MMoodduullee
The 48V switch applies 48V Phantom power to the MIC I/P XLR on the rear con-
nector panel. The switch illuminates to indicate that it is switched on.
The TONE switch replaces the mic/line signal with the desk oscillator, allowing
you to check the operation of the module. The switch illuminates to indicate that
it is switched on. Note that if the module is switched to TONE the monitor
mutes and remotes (start/stop) are disabled.
The LINE switch, when active, selects the LINE I/P XLR as the moduleî‚’s signal
source instead of the MIC I/P XLR. The switch illuminates to indicate that it is
switched on.
The rotary channel GAIN control provides continuous variation from +10dB tp
+72dB mic gain, and -10dB to +20dB line gain.
The Phase of the input signal may be reversed by use of this switch. The switch
illuminates to indicate that it is active.
Aux 4 is a Stereo Send. The AUX 4 control sets the level of the send and the asso-
ciated PAN control adjusts the position of the signal within the stereo image. The
send is normally post-fade, but pressing the PRE switch configures the send as pre-
Aux 1, 2 and 3 are mono sends with individual level controls and are normally
post-fade, but may be reconfigured as pre-fade by pressing the associated PRE
The pre-fade source is normally pre-mute, but may be selected as post-mute by
changing internal jumpers.
Pressing DIR switches the Aux1 level pot into the direct output circuit, following
the pre/post selection, and mutes the send to the Aux 1 bus. Note that the Direct
Output signal may be replaced by slate tone or talkback from the Communications
module if required.
When the INS (Insert) button is depressed, the signal path is routed via the insert
return XLR. When the INS button is released the insert is bypassed. Note that the
signal is always available on the insert send XLR, irrespective of the position of the
INS switch.
The Insert Point may be configured to be pre, post-EQ or post-fade, via an inter-
nal pcb-mounted switch and jumpers.
EEqquuaalliisseerr -- HHFF
The Equaliser is a 3-band semi-parametric design.
The upper, larger knob of the HF section allows you to cut or boost the HF shelv-
ing filter by up to 15dB. The Cut-off frequency is sweepable, using the lower
knob, between 1kHz and 16kHz.