
B400 Installation 2.3
EEaarrtthhiinngg tthhee CCoonnssoollee
Important Notice.
The console has two earth posts on the rear connector panel. They are located
near to the power supply connectors. The un-insulated metal post is the chassis
ground, and the insulated post is the system ground. The console is supplied with
these two posts linked together. It is essential that the console is operated with
these two earths linked. They may, however, be linked at a different point in the
installation: for example, a technical earth in the installation site. In this case the
wire link between the two posts must be removed.
The meterbridge has a number of connectors as shown below:
The MONITOR/COMMS D-type connector routes signals to the Monitor Selector
PCB ( see the Meterbridge connector list on the previous page for pin details).
The ANCILLARY METERS D-type connector carries the Groups and Auxes into
the meterbridge. The actual connections used will depend on the number of ancil-
lary meters which are fitted. The connections are:
1 Ground 14 Ground
2 Group 8 15 Group 7
3 Group 6 16 Group 5
4 Group 4 17 Group 3
5 Group 2 18 Group 1
6 Not Used 19 Not Used
7 Not Used 20 Not Used
8 21 Aux 1
9 22 Aux 2
10 23 Aux 3
11 24
12 Aux 4L 25 Aux 4R
13 Not Used
The EXTERNAL INPUTS XLRs are also routed to the Monitor Selector PCB. The
inputs here may be monitored on the Meters which are associated with the
Monitor Selector PCB.
There are also 2 additional XLRs: these are for future expansion.