T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 44 of 59
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Error Message User Action / Notes
WEB:#65 Err. Html Page limit
reached. %sThe
url=%s<BR><BR>The reason
is: %s<BR>%s\r\n
WEB:#66 Err. Html Page tag
limit reached. Max=%d
WEB:#67 FYI. Max Html Tags
per page = %d (%d)
Web:#68 FYI. Max page
limited to %d
Web:#68 FYI. Full Mode
Server. No page limits.
Web:#69. FYI. IP Address
Substitution Active.
WEB:#70 FYI. LiveData.htm
refresh=%d (Default).
Reports the live data refresh time in use.
Also reports if the default or an override value is being used. The
Sentry LANServer Developers manual has additional information.
WEB:#71 FYI. Base Cookie
Expiry Time=%d (Default).
Reports the Cookie Expiry Time in use. Also reports if the default or an
override value is being used. The Sentry LANServer Developers
Manual has additional information.
WEB:#72 FYI. No config.htm.
Using Defaults. Read Manual
Reports that the LANServer is using defaults.
The file config.htm can be used to override defaults for Parameters like
cookie expiry time, live data refresh rate.
WEB:#73 Err. Too may Sentry
Objects. Limit=%d
The maximum number of Sentry controls permitted in a Web Project is
limited to the number printed in the message. (Typically 200). Extra
controls must be removed for you project to execute correctly. The
LANServer will not process the remaining controls. Opening taglist.ini
provides a list of all the controls found in all the web pages that form
the project. To correct the problem, revisit the project in FrontPage,
remove the excess and re-download to the LANServer.
WEB:#74 FYI. IFrame
Refresh Method=%d.
WEB:#75 Err. Event storage
disabled. No config file.
WEB:#76 Err. Cant open %s
for validation.
WEB:#77 FYI. %s has space
for %d events
WEB:#78 Err. No space for
event file creation.
WEB:#89a/b Err. Too much
Message 89a is printed if the Sentry Specification is too long to be
processed. 89b if the caption is too long. The driver prints these
messages as it loads taglist.ini (produced by toWS.exe). Some controls
require the configuration to specify Sentries, Sentry:Sensor
combinations or a caption. There is a limited amount of space to store
these text fields. If there isn’t sufficient space this message is printed
and the data is truncated. This could mean that the project will not
monitor all the sensors or sentries you expect it too. We suggest
uploading taglist.ini and finding the line that contains the string printed
with the message.