T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 21 of 59
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5.8. Interpreting Sentry Events
Sentry events are captured and stored on the LANServer’s flash disk in a file called
events.dat. (Additional information on this file is provided in section 5.10 Not every
LANServer project reports Sentry Events. If it isn’t present then this is a decision the web
project designer made. In the template project supplied with the LANServer, sentry event
logging is enabled. An events page must be part of the project and event logging must be
The event table is a human readable presentation of the event information. The most recent
event is the topmost one.
5.8.1. Event Report Types
The two types of event report – K and P reports. P reports are trigged by time and K
reports are triggered by a state change for a Sentry-Sensor or by a change of gas
P Reports
Periodically, the LANServer, records the gas concentration and state of each Sentry-
Sensor. The period was configured by the developer who constructed the web project
and can be changed. Having the P report allows the user to verify that the Sentry was
being monitored during a period. If no K reports were generated because the gas levels
remain normal for a long period of time then having the P reports raises the confidence
that the system was working and online during that interval.
One P report will be generated each time the LANServer is restarted.