T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 41 of 59
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix 2. LANServer Error Messages
Error Message User Action / Notes
WEB:#01 Err. Reset was
ignored. Don’t know which
sentries require reset
WEB:#02 Err. No Sentry data
One of the causes of this error is a non existent, non functioning or non
initialized serial port on the device. (
This error will also cause “WEB:#59 FYI. Sentry Functions inactive”
The reason that this error occurs is that the field server can not create
the ports for the map descriptors. Existent, non
WEB:#03 FYI. Reset was
WEB:#05 Err. Error Opening
file [%s] %sThe
url=%s<BR><BR>The reason
is: %s<BR>%s\r\n
This message is not printed if the missing file is favicon.ico
WEB:#06 Err. No Bytes Read
WEB:#07a Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s]
WEB:#07b Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s]
WEB:#07c Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s]
WEB:#07d Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s]
WEB:#07e Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s]
WEB:#07f Err. Cant tcp_send.
WEB:#07g Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s] Sent %d
of %d bytes. TCPErr=%d
WEB:#07h Err. Cant
tcp_send. File=[%s]
WEB:#07i Err.tcp_send.
ndx=%d TCPErr=%d Rtry=%d
Done=%d Remain=%d
WEB:#08 FYI. Opened [%s]
WEB:#09 FYI. Refresh of live
data disabled.(todo)
WEB:#10 FYI. Sent %d bytes.
WEB:#11 FYI. Read %d
bytes. [%s] f0err=%d feof=%d
%x %x
WEB:#12 Err. Not enough
space for alarm page.